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Marketing Creative Hacks

Fast and easy hacks, I've found about and developed, as a digital designer in the advertising industry!


Yonatan Levy Product Leader

“Mark brings a new and refreshing approach to Marketing Design, by focusing on results and impact. His insights on creating emotional bonds with his audience are remarkable and unique."

Karen Lynn Roberts
Author and Blogger

"Truly interesting and educating! I love how the book is written with professionalism yet in a style that anyone can understand and learn from."

Gilad Zimerman
Construction Consultant
CEO of Signal Ltd.

"Mark has the ability to mix the right design rules into the right marketing strategies for the right business. Very interesting!"

Why did I write this book?

During the past years, working as a digital designer in the advertising industry, I've noticed that there are rules and techniques used in every marketing campaign and there's a simple process for triggering the emotions of our target audience.

I call it: "Subconscious design". It's a design with one purpose which is to enter the subconscious of a specific target audience and get them emotional enough to take action (buying a product or signing up).

Over the years, I've been creating marketing campaigns and building brands for small businesses. I saw that the design rules that are so obvious in advertising, are completely unknown to small business owners that have no design or marketing knowledge.

As we started implementing these rules and techniques, the business owners I worked with, doubled and sometimes even tripled their revenue.

See,  having a website or a Facebook campaign is not enough even if it's well-designed. We need to know how to become our target audience, to know what they think and feel to hack their subconscious and drive them to take action!

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The only book combining Marketing Strategies with Marketing centered Design, to enter the subconscious of your target audience and guide them to take action!



Will I become a designer after reading this book?

No. This is not a design fundamentals education book, but you will get some input about designing in a way that will guide your target audience to take action.

Do I need to know Photoshop or any other design software?

No. The rules I describe in the ebook work the same whether you design an email, a landing page, or a Facebook ad. You don't have to stick to any software.

Will I become a marketing specialist after reading this?

No, but you"ll definitely get some Marketing Techniques to market your business without being perceived as spam or amateur

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